An Informative Note of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the Failed Coup Attempt

Manila Büyükelçiliği 17.07.2016

On the evening of 15 July 2016, a faction of the Turkish Armed Forces attempted to stage a coup in various cities of Turkey, particularly in Ankara and İstanbul.

In a short span of time, it was understood that this was more than a treacherous plot: it was a terrorist campaign. The perpetrators fired at their own people, stabbed their commanders in the back and bombed the Parliament and the Office of the Presidency.

The command chain and vast majority of the Turkish Armed Forces stood up against the coup attempt from the very beginning. It was merely some elements of the Air Forces, Gendarmerie and the armoured units that joined the violent conspiracy. Immediate necessary measures were taken by the police and the public prosecutors in order to foil the attempt.

Above all, the plot was thwarted by the Turkish nation. Our nation displayed a historic solidarity as they took to the streets and remained defiant. They stood bravely in front of the tanks and reclaimed their democratic rights.

The terrorists tried to broadcast their message by taking over studios of the state television (TRT) and raiding private media outlets. Yet, the attempt of the plotters to control the media did not last long. It must be noted that in defeating the coup attempt the Turkish media also played a key role.

Throughout the process, all the political parties and members of the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TGNA) stood firmly by democracy, democratic politics, democratic institutions and the Constitution. Thus, a joint declaration in defense of democracy was issued during the extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly of TGNA on 16 July 2016.

During the operations held against the terrorist group, more than six thousand have been detained and more than hundred coup plotters were captured dead. The operations continue.

Unfortunately, more than 190 of our citizens lost their lives and more than 1400 were injured.

A group of 8 involved in the coup attempt fled to Greece on board a stolen helicopter. Necessary steps have been taken for the return of the helicopter and the suspects.

The coup attempt was staged by the Fethullah Gülen Terorist Organisation (FETÖ). The Turkish Government has been consistently exposing the real motives of this terrorist group and its leader (Fethullah Gülen) to all its allies and partners. The foiled coup is the latest criminal act that reveals the danger posed by FETÖ.

Our President, Prime Minister, Government, Turkish Grand National Assembly’s Members and the Turkish people all together defeated this coup attempt and stood by democracy and the rule of law.

The terrorists will be punished in accordance with the law.


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